5 Acts of Kindness you can do this Month!

Sometimes the tiniest things are what make someone's day. So here are some starters that you can take action on almost anywhere!

Give a stranger a compliment!

Simple, just go up to someone you don’t know, whether someone you see in your school hallways or someone in your workspace, and just give them a simple compliment! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something simple and heartfelt. For example, “I like your outfit” or “Nice hair” something like that. Easy peasy!

Hold the door open for someone!

Now, this is an easy one, you just need to hold open a door! Simple! 

Give someone a kindness card!

This one is for those of you who don’t enjoy social interaction. Just create a card with encouraging words and verses, then just give it to someone, and then you’re done! Just make sure that the card is heartfelt and it doesn’t look like you put it together in a hurry. 

Check-in on someone and ask how they are doing!

Checking in on someone can be a little bit awkward for some people, but for those who can handle awkward situations, this is perfect for you! Listening and allowing them to talk is crucial to this dead. Knowing that someone is actually hearing and listening to them is a big comfort. So make sure to be kind!

Sit next to someone new at lunch!

Given the outbreak of Covid-19, make sure to follow CDC guidelines and keep a good distance away. But other than that, this is a perfect time to make a new friend! Get to know people!

Hope these helped, now go spread kindness!

By: Maia Price